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Easytolearn E-book 2

Easytolearn E-book
                                                                                                                                                                          Description:here we give you pdf. about classification of operating system in which  we provide all information of classification in detail.



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Functions of Operating System

  Functions of operating system   5.                     protection and security : ·                       another important functions of an operating system is to protect itself from the user process and to protect different users processes from one another in a syatem. ·                       In a multi programming environment, where several users process reside in main memory at the same time, the may interface with OS or with each other. ·                       Thus, protection mechanism controls the access of users, programs and processes used by various applications. ·                       A total approach to computer security involves both external and internal security.   6.                     Networking: ·           Networking is used for exchanging    information among different computer that are distributed across various location. ·           Distributed system consist of multiple processors and each processor has its own memory and clock ·           This results in compu

OS its Resource Manager and its Function

  Operating system as resource manager:   ·           A computer system usually has many hardware and software resources such as processor , memory, disk printer, I/O devices etc. ·           The task of resources management becomes essential in multi-user operating system where different user compute for the same resource.   Operating system manages resources in two ways : 1.         Time multiplexing : it defines the sharing of resources on the basis of fixed time slices. For example, the operating system allocate the resources, such as CPUto program A for fixed time slice. 2.         Space timing:  it defines the concurrent sharing of resources among different programs.for example, sharing of hard disk and main memory is space multiplexing.     FUNCTION OF OPERATING SYSTEM     The primary function of an operating system is to provide an environment for excecution of users program . the various function of operating system are: 1.         process management 2.         main memory man

Defination of OS(operating system) and its concepts

    What do you mean by operating system?     Definition :  An operating system is a program that act as an interface between the user of a computer and the                                      Computer hardware. Operating system is a first program that gets loaded into the memory through a process called booting. Concepts of operating system : ·                       The purpose of operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute program in a convenient and efficient manner. ·                       Operating system is an integrated set of program that manages the various hardware resources such as processor, memory, I/O Devices , communication devices and overall operation of a computer system. ·                       Operating systems also acts as a platform on which various applications programs such as word processor and excel are executed. ·                       The most common operating system are the window family of operating system (windows 98, window

Multitasking System

  Multitasking system ·           Technically , multitasking is same as multi programming ·           In a multitasking operating system, s single user can execute multiple programs at the same time ·           We can also say, multitasking is the system capability to work on more than one job or process at the same time. ·           It means that whenever a job needs to perform I/O operation, the cpu can be used for execting some other job                                                        diagram of multi tasking     ·           There are two type of multitasking : 1.         Cooperative multitaskin g 2.         Preemptive multitasking   ·            Co operative multitasking    in cooperative multitasking , program can aquire the cpu for the required amount of time a program canshare CPU with any other program that is executing simultaneously, if it does not currently require the CPU.   ·           Preemptive multitasking . In preemptive multitasking the operating system allocat

Multi Programming Operating System

  Multi programming  system ·           Multi programming operating system allows multiple users to execute multiple programs using a single CPU concurrently i.e. at the same time. ·           In multiprogramming several process are kept in the main memory and CPU execute all these processes concurrently. It means, the CPU immediately switches from one process to next that are ready to get executed ·           In such an operating system when one process start process start performing the instructions from several programs at the same time. ·           Rather, it means that there are number program available to CPU and that portion of one is executed, then segment of another and so on                                     memory layout in multi programming system     ·           In case of multiprogramming the various jobs residing in the main memory, can be in one of the following three stages 1.         Running :  CPU is being used by the program 2.         Blocked   : performing I/O